Cyber Force #1
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Cyber Force #1

Writer: Marc Silvestri, Matt Hawkins Artist: Khoi Pham, Sal Regla, Sunny Gho, Stjepan Sejic Publisher: Image Comics Release Date: October 17, 2012 Critic Reviews: 13 User Reviews: 1
6.7Critic Rating
6.5User Rating

Top Cow celebrates its 20th anniversary with the return of the series that started it all: CYBER FORCE! Top Cow founder MARC SILVESTRI (THE DARKNESS, INCREDIBLE HULK) returns to his first Image series as co-writer, art director and cover artist! Co-writer MATT HAWKINS (THINK TANK, LADY PENDRAGON) and artist KHOI PHAM (MIGHTY AVENGERS, DAREDEVIL) join SILVESTRI to bring you a contemporary re-imagining rooted in cutting edge, real world technology.

Carin Taylor, codenamed Velocity, has escaped from the CDI-controlled Millennium City and is desperately trying to f more

  • 9.0
    Read Comic Books - ReadComicBooks Oct 17, 2012

    I'm absolutely intrigued by the endless possibilities ofCyberforce. I want to see where this series goes. I want to know who Carin Taylor, who co-narrates, is talking to “off camera”. I want to see more of these SHOC soldiers and I want to see how the human race screws up the planet and whether or not it results in human extinction. All of these cool characters and all these cool designs have got to be leading somewhere big. Also, theres's almost 118,000 reasons to not let the fans of this series down–25 of which are my own and I definitely do not regret it. This creative team brought in this issue, plain and simple, and I expect them to continue bringing it for the fans and for the love of this series. Did I mention it's available digitally, for free? Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Graphic Policy - Brett Schenker Oct 17, 2012

    There's no excuse not to get it no matter what us reviewers think. Here's a perfect opportunity to check out a comic on your own and make up your own opinion with no risk to your wallet. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Crux - Nick Verissimo Oct 17, 2012

    So thats about it really.  This is a really solid book and there really is no excuse for you not to get it.  With the first five issues being free you are basically getting an entire arc of a pretty cool story for nothing.  Youre on your computer right now; go to comiXology and get it dude! Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Addicts - Akshay Dhar Oct 22, 2012

    So far I'm feeling the need to give them the benefit of the doubt and so I'm going to eagerly await #2 and see if this creative team can deliver on all the promise of this debut issue. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Newsarama - David Pepose Oct 16, 2012

    The benefit for readers is, of course, that this comic is free. With Kickstarter having funded the campaign well over its goal, readers have little reason to avoid this book from a financial standpoint. While Cyber Force may be a tougher read than some, just based on the hardcore sci-fi concepts throughout the book, the brisk pace and distinct visuals make this worth a shot. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Bloody Disgusting - Jorge Solis Oct 18, 2012

    If you were a fan of the original “Cyber Force,” definitely pick this issue up. While it is overly modernized in parts, it does justice to the original series. Also the first five issue is free, so there is absolutely no reason why you shouldn't give this comic a look. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Unleash The Fanboy - Harrison Rawdin Oct 17, 2012

    Cyber Force #1has some problems but if you take into account the fact that it's free and a very good first step you really have no excuse not to give this a go. Recommended. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    IGN - Benjamin Bailey Oct 17, 2012

    The biggest problem the book has is the art, which is surprising given Top Cow pedigree. Khoi Pham is an artist that can be really hit and miss, and he manages to do just that throughout this entire issue. Some panels look great, some look unfinished. For whatever reason, it seems like any time technology is drawn, which is often in a book titled Cyberforce, Pham just gives everything a scratchy quality. The overall effect is somewhat underwhelming. Still, there are more than a few great pages sprinkled through and hey, it was free. Hard to complain about free. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    ComicList - Brandon Borzelli Oct 20, 2012

    Cyber Force is a concept that has been around for a couple of decades and yet I have never ventured into the water. This freebie was too good to pass up and I was glad I picked it up. The story was slow and it took a couple of reads before I understood what was going on, but I liked what I saw. Long time readers might find it easier to pick things up, but I hope they find the same level of enjoyment. This is too good to pass up. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Grant McLaughlin Oct 21, 2012

    The writing isn't bad, but don't expect to have the strongest handle on what's going on by issue's end. Cyberforce #1's saving grace is its great art and its zero dollar cover price. It will cost you literally nothing but time and the space to store it (and not even physical space if you download it from Comixology), so you can't really go wrong here. We'll see if this gambit pays off in the long-run, but for the moment, there's no reason not to look into Cyberforce. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Book Resources - Doug Zawisza Oct 17, 2012

    Parts of "Cyber Force" #1 reminded me of "Robocop," from the cybernetically enhanced people to the corporate leadership around the renovation of a decrepit city. Other parts weren't quite so tuned in to a story I may or may have not read before. Those parts are largely contained in the last few pages of this issue. Those pages don't do anything to make the characters any more interesting, but the plot twists and significant story beats are put down in that segment of the comic, giving readers something to look forward to. Lucky for them, the next issue is also part of the Kickstarter campaign and offered at no cost. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    CHUD - Jeb Delia Oct 19, 2012

    Despite some rather good "production values," Cyberforce is way more enamored with its thin concepts than its story or its characters. After reading this issue, I could not tell you one word about the central conflict, or about what drives the series' principles. That's been the case with a lot of this year's first issues, and it's rarely been a good sign. I suppose that for the price tag of nothing, the book is worth picking up for the artwork, and the core ideas of the book do have the potential to set the stage for a fun story. But the writers have to concern themselves with story before that can happen. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    First Comics News - Matthew Szewczyk Oct 18, 2012

    The best thing about the issue is the price, it is free in both print and digital thanks to a very successful Kickstarter campaign. In fact, the first FIVE issues will be made available for free so if you have even a slight interest in the comic or you just want to read it so you can e-mail me about how wrong I am than there is really no reason not to. Just don't expect very much from this first issue. Read Full Review

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