END OF STORY ARC! A 2018 Eisner Award nominee for Best New Series and Best Coloring by DAVE STEWART! The Book of Remaking has been opened and its spell cast; all of creation has been undone and all that is left is the great stillness of Emptiness... and Mardok. But something stirs in the dark. Something with over ten hours of battery life...
This series has been a wonderful adult blend of fantasy and humor. Read Full Review
Maestros is the best comic book I've read in the past two years. The last time I enjoyed a book this much was my during my first foray into the world of Saga. I don't care what the Eisners say, it's hands down the best series of 2018. Read Full Review
It's still a visual treat, but one that doesn't match prior issues and sputters out in finding a way to wrap up the events of the miniseries. Read Full Review