Man-Eaters #12

Writer: Chelsea Cain Artist: Lia Miternique Publisher: Image Comics Release Date: October 2, 2019 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 3
9.0Critic Rating
2.7User Rating


Our 12-issue run of MAN-EATERS culminates with this comic/sacred text/satirical manifesto/cat care informational booklet/step-by-step instruction manual for dismantling the patriarchy. Each copy comes with a little bit of hope, at no additional cost.

Amount of hope may vary. Hope is limited. Some readers may receive fury instead.

  • 9.6
    You Don't Read Comics - Russ Bickerstaff Oct 2, 2019

    Man-Eaters has been an immensely enjoyable series. The final issue in the series gives the world of the story more room to expand the concept of social revolution well beyond the page. All that seems to be missing is a direct invitation for the reader to carry the revolution to the world outside the panels. The page of blank membership cards for The Ministry of Trouble seems as close to an invitation as Cain can get while maintaining plausible deniability. Cains done a clever job of making the revolution seem very, very cool. The potential for revolution and meaningful change in society rests in the hands of every reader.  Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Black Nerd Problems - Khadjiah Johnson Oct 2, 2019

    The Malleable ManualI enjoyed it for what it is. It was presented flashy and quirky much like the other issues. The writing was quippy when it was present, but this issue was a tribute. Maude's manual allowed the colors and stroke work to really speak for itself. Diagrams really shone as a star. This is something I have always loved about the series. The freeing nature that Man-Eaters exhibits, breaks the fourth wall and vamps up your imagination in ways that inspires you. Though this was fun and engaging, it felt kind of repetitive. We've had a couple of issues like this and I was ready for this to be the best time to start off a story with another patriarchy butt-kickin' femmenista. This felt like an opportunity not taken, but a fun ride none the less. Read Full Review

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