Writer: Joe Casey Artist: Ian Macewan Publisher: Image Comics Release Date: September 12, 2018 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 7 User Reviews: 6
9.0Critic Rating
8.1User Rating

Meet Pamela Evans. Much more than a typical Manhattan cab driver, she also happens to be a badass monster-fighter who wields an enchanted tire iron. Welcome to the year of her greatest adventure. JOE CASEY and IAN MacEWAN team up for MCMLXXV: modern mythology for a new generation.

  • 10 - Charlie Ridgely Sep 12, 2018

    I'm interested to see where it goes from here, and how quickly readers gravitate towards it, but this series has the potential to be the next truly great book from Image. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Geekery Magazine - Chino DT Sep 13, 2018

    One thing that I personally love from a movie or a comic is that it takes you to the time where the events happens, MCMLXXV makes you feel like if you're watching an old movie from the 70's, this excellent comic has a lot of influence from elements of Pop culture of those years and great references to classic artists like Kirby and Moebius, this first issue full of good action quickly allows us to know many aspects of the life of Pamela Evans as well as her past. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    AIPT - Nathaniel Muir Jul 24, 2018

    An exhilarating page turner with a timeless look that will grab readers' attentions and refuse to let go. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Bounding Into Comics - Nathan Braudrick Jul 27, 2018

    There are a lot of elements at play in MCMLXXV and a lot of genre mashups, but the book has it's own unique voice, even while bothering so many tropes from well known genres. The entire issue reminded me of a movie I would have loved to have watched on the Syfy channel late at night, or even better, would have rented off the dusty shelves of the horror section of my boyhood VHS rental store. It is a nostalgic trip that manages to make itself feel incredibly new, while also being wonderfully familiar. The final pages left me wanting more and wondering what kind of tone this book will ultimately settle on, but whatever that happens to be, Joe Casey and Ian MacEwan have my attention. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Outright Geekery - Joshua Rathbun Sep 13, 2018

    Overall, I think MCMLXXV #1 was pretty fantastic. Lots of cool elements added to this that I feel it stands out from most everything coming out this week. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Bastards - Hunter T. Patrick Jul 18, 2018

    This is a good start to a series. It is more compelling than other first issues on stands. A big complaint is reading without ever learning any background or any promise of why things are the way they are or if it is just a world that has always been this haunted, but that is a complaint that should only be a complaint if the series never fixes it, being the first issue, it is excused for that. This is not a work that will appeal to everyone, but for those that are looking for a fun, dark ride, then they will be pleased. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Multiversity Comics - Jonathan O'Neal Sep 13, 2018

    "MCMLXXV" #1 reads great and looks even greater. Pamela Evans and this book are forces to be reckoned with. Read Full Review

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