Mini-Series Premiere. From acclaimed creator Michael Walsh and with art by rising star Gustaffo Vargas, Nullhunter is a kinetic cyberpunk retelling of the Labors of Hercules. Clay is a war hero who faces unspeakable tragedy after returning home. Seeking justice, he's forced into service for his estranged father's powerful company, OLYMP0S. His first mission takes him to faraway N3M-3A on the trail of a hijacked shipment of war lions.
Featuring stunning art and compelling world-building, this heavy metal reinterpretation of a classic story feels like an enduring myth in the making. Read Full Review
Nullhunter #1 blasts you straight into its cyberpunk reimagining of the Labors of Hercules. Fans of the cyberpunk genre will love this comic's mix is stylish visuals and intriguing mythology. Read Full Review
The yearlong cycle that Nullhunter is opening with the first issue feels generally quite promising. The big journey could go in quite a few different directions. The fusion between cyberpunk and ancient heroic legend has always been at least kind of inherent in the genre. Its nice to see it openly embraced with Nullhunter. A slightly cleaner approach to storytelling might improve things. Walsh and Vargas are throwing-in a few too many details around the edges to really be all that satisfying, but the core of what the series reveals in the first issue is pretty impressive. Read Full Review
Nullhunter #1 shows a lot of potential. At its heart its a sci-fi tale of revenge. But, there could be more to it lurking just underneath the surface. With some nice visuals, it's one for those who enjoy a pop sci-fi adventure. Read Full Review
It was good I guess. I like where it's going and I'm interested. That being said, this didn't wow me like a #1 should.
Serviceable and derivative. The art is good.