The deeper mysteries of Oblivion are beginning to reveal themselves as Nathan Cole's problems on Earth grow more and more dire.
Nathan and Ed accomplish their goal of stealing back the transference machine. Nathan showed why he is becoming a sci-fi action hero with his masterful use of teleportation guiding his efforts towards completing the heist. Nathan now must hold up his end of the bargain by taking Ed back to Oblivion. Ed may want more than just to return to Oblivion however. Read Full Review
Oblivion Song #9 is a heist, but it is hard to ignore the untapped potential of what the heist could have been. Instead, we get a very straightforward theft with little to no conflict. Read Full Review
As usual, the book looks great, with some unique monster designs. This feels like a point-of-no-return moment for the series, and one that's sure to excite fans. Read Full Review