What if you had the ability to communicate with someone inside their final dream but were powerless to prevent the dream from ending? Al Simmons journeys to a place he vowed he would never go: to his childhood, and to the side of a dying man he never fully knew in order to save the soul of his own estranged father. Meanwhile, Al’s personal tragedy magnifies as the forces of darkness close in on the souls of those he loves the most.
If this issue is a sign of what to expect from the series going forward, there may be hope for Spawn yet. Read Full Review
The thing is I actually have a lot of time for fetishized violent release draped in macho posturing that values surface over substance; it just has to be done well.Spawn#253 isn't interested in being a violent romp or a polished and shallow distraction. It only exists to show off how angry Spawn still is, and that's a hollow goal. Read Full Review