The secret of Stillwater is revealed! And the town of Coldwater declares WAR! The end of everything starts here!
Ramon K. Perez delivers some beautiful, brutal and wonderfully detailed art throughout the issue. The action is visually thrilling and the art wonderfully contrasts some of the moments that have happened throughout the series. Read Full Review
In preparing for the climax, Stillwater #17 builds an impressive degree of momentum bound to keep readers considering both this series' story and its ideas until the last chapter arrives, especially given its genuinely stunning final page. Read Full Review
‘Stillwater' #17 enters the endgame as the series roller coaster rides towards its concluding chapter, paying off tensions and horrors that have been festering for numerous issues. Everything about this series has just gotten better and better, creating a world and characters with such depth and complexity that it's hard to believe we've only just met them in the recent past. Read Full Review