The hit mini-series continues! In the penultimate issue of the series, Johannes has cracked the code written in the blood of the city, which promises to break its secrets wide open. But will it be worth the cost of all it promises to take from him? Grippingly written by writer Dan Watters with hauntingly atmospheric art and covers by Sumit Kumar, this mini-series will keep you on the edge until the very end.
It's ripping, compelling cyberpunk noir with depth that hasn't yet missed a beat. Read Full Review
The Six Fingers #4 takes a surprising track by showing Johannes may be worth saving. He's a victim of whatever it is that is controlling him. His path is altered, but outside of that, the mystery continues to remain unsolved. Read Full Review
This one didn't fully continue the momentum we had, but it gave us a good chapter that plays a big role in the endgame.