The Strange Talent of Luther Strode #5

Writer: Justin Jordan Artist: Tradd Moore Publisher: Image Comics Release Date: February 1, 2012 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 7 User Reviews: 1
8.1Critic Rating
8.0User Rating

Luther tries to rescue Petra, and things end bloody. Meanwhile, Pete and Luther's Mom are left alone to face something unimaginably worse. Not everyone gets out of this issue alive. The penultimate issue of the hit series.

  • 9.4
    Multiversity Comics - Walt Richardson Feb 2, 2012

    If you're a regular reader of our site, you probably heard the hype about this series before it came out and, hopefully, had the sense to pre-order the first issue. If you didn't, though, and your local shop is out of issues one through four, I hope you'll at least go ahead and order the trade. Luther Strode pushes the bar in many ways, and looks more like the work of two industry veterans than the rookie professionals Jordan and Moore are. Now you can say “I knew them before they were popular!” Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    ComicBuzz - Niall Doonan Apr 19, 2012

    Overall, this series has been great. There were moments when I doubted this comic, but in the end it has finished very strongly. The trade paperback is out this week and I recommend that people check it out. In The Strange Talent of Luther Strode Justin Jordan and Tradd Moore have created a set of characters that you will care about, so when you read this final issue, be prepared for the tragedy. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    ComicList - Brandon Borzelli Feb 4, 2012

    Luther Strode promises a bloody showdown to complete the mini-series. It seems impossible to see how it can top this issue but Jordan promises it will do just that. I think if you like a violent book with some great character work then this is something to pick up. When the series is over I think a lot of people will be hunting down the back issues (or salivating for the trade release) because it is that good. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Bastards - Dustin Cabeal Feb 1, 2012

    That's about all you can really say about this issue due to the fact that is so action orientated. It's not a secret but I'm going to say it again, I have enjoyed the hell out of this series and from some of the responses on the site a lot of you guys have too. Simply put Luther is a ton of fun to read. A few things that help it reach such a plateau is that the series has had some of the best pacing that I've read in a while, match that with Tradd Moore's kick-ass art, Justin Jordan's cool story and The Strange Talent of Luther Strode is the reason you read comics. Now all they have to do is not fuck up the last issue/the ending and you'll have a comic classic. Believe! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton Feb 1, 2012

    "The Strange Talent of Luther Strode" #5 continues another strong installment in this debut series from Jordan and Moore. I don't know what they're going to do as a follow-up (either more "The Strange Talent of Luther Strode" or something entirely different), but based on this comic, it'll be well worth everyone's attention. Definitely one of the big surprise comic hits of 2011, and I'm sorry to see it already winding to a close. Fun and disturbing, just the right thing for a super-hero meets horror comic. Check it out. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Feb 1, 2012

    Tradd Moore's art is very reminiscent of Invincible's Ryan Ottley in more ways than one. Both have a particular talent for conveying brutal violence that's both cartoony and horrific in its detail. Both also have a knack for expressive characters and clean, engaging pages that really attract the eye. If this book is any indication, both Moore and Jordan have plenty of great work ahead of them. Hopefully some of that involves more of Luther Strode, because it's looking doubtful that issue #6 will completely wrap up and cap off Luther's story. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Newsarama - David Pepose Feb 2, 2012

    If you want to see an A-lister in the making, check out Luther Strode " if you're looking for something that will reinvent fight comics, though, look again. Read Full Review

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