It is decided that in order to survive... every person at the camp should have guns. As it is, they don't have enough to go around and the only place to get more guns is the city, but it means certain death to go into the city. Is Rick crazy enough to risk his life for the good of the camp?
This is a good issue that highlights the mood of survivalist adventure. The plot is strong and accessible. The setting is engaging and the characters are solid. If you haven't taken the opportunity to check out previous issues of this title, this issue is a good starting place. It's a self-contained adventure that establishes all the pertinent themes and plot elements of the series. I recommend it. Read Full Review
The issue is more action packed. We get to learn a little more about the characteristics of the zombies. We learn a bit more about the supporting characters as well. This issue is fun but it also has a pretty big reveal that will certainly start some problems between the partners Shane and Rick.
23.04.21 — 8,5
Good, not great.