Glenn will soon regret his decision.
Of course, Kirkman can just throw us all for a loop and do nothing of the sort. Read Full Review
The writing hits its stride when Rick confides in Andrea some disturbing thoughts about his son and how the world is no longer a place for him. Rick wants to be strong for everyone but he just can't do it anymore. The message here is it's hard to feel alive in a place where everything is dead and Rick is no exception. Kirkman is setting the stage for something big on the horizon that makes you wonder if Rick will be able to withstand more unbearable horror. Read Full Review
I haven't made the jump back into the TV series with Season 2, but by most accounts it seems to be firing on all cylinders right now. It's unfortunate that the comic isn't doing the same. Read Full Review
This is shaping up to be the weakest TWD storyline ever. There's still a lot of good dialog and character stuff and Kirkman may pull a rabbit out of the hat, but we need something cool to jiggle up life in Arlington. Have Michonne decide she can't take it and run off on her own…. Have a serial killer on the loose in the community…. Have the stress get to someone such that they decide everyone would be better off dead and blows up the fence…. Have them try to sail a boat to the Bahamas to see if island living would be zombie-free…. TWD is like a shark: it needs to keep swimming forward to stay alive. Read Full Review
Nothing here is going to derail how good Walking Dead is but it could mean we’re hitting one of those lulls that can make the series hard to get through. The Kirkman Loop always pays off but sometimes it can be incredibly drawn out. Issue #90 could be an indication that readers have a long ten issues to get through before the big bang I’m sure is coming with issue #100. As always, I didn’t like the art at all. Read Full Review