CHIP ZDARSKY (NEWBURN, Batman) and KRIS ANKA (Across the Spider-Verse), the ALL-STAR TEAM behind THE WHITE TREES, return to the fantastical land of Blacksand! The royal guard has sent their most capable bounty hunters after the accomplices in the king's murder! Javro, once the king's most skilled assassin, must find the killers before they and the bounty hunters-including her son-are wiped out by the kingdom's most feared specter: The Dark Whisper!
By the issue's end, the three women of this adventuring party possess clear interpersonal dynamics, distinct combat abilities, and a personally and politically engaging quest; it's everything a reader could hope to find in a fantasy comic book as The Whisper Queen #1 promises to expand upon one of the best in recent memory. - Read Full Review
Despite five years since the previous miniseries ended, Zdarsky and Anka return in full force in their strong follow-up The Whisper Queen: A Blacksand Tale #1. With an exciting new trio of characters with a thrilling emotional and action-filled adventure, the issue lives up to the massive built-up hype. Mature in its storytelling and art, the story feels like the best type of fantasy. So, journey to the Blacksands and follow the party on their upcoming travels. Read Full Review
What I really enjoy about this comic is that there is a lot of dialogue, that helps the story move along. Javro seems to make many connections as he is traveling through the cities. There are some maps, that help the reader figure out exactly where Javro is. I can see the world building coming and starting off strong. The art is pretty, its pretty unique, with everyone having elf ears. It also gives a great depiction of the action going on in this first issue. Read Full Review
Whether it's long character interactions or environmental storytelling there is a lot of good world building. All of that pays off with an hook ending that you wonder what the thing the lead character discovers changes the trajectory for The Whisper Queen's world. Read Full Review
If you're into tales filled with shadowy figures, mysteries, and a quest for redemption, you must check out The Whisper Queen: A Blacksand Tale. It's a blast to read, whether you've been following the story for ages or just jumping in now, and it'll leave you hanging on for what comes next. Read Full Review