A Templar Knight finds himself transported to a dangerous realm known as the Beastlands. With sinister entities known as The Masters hunting him down, all he has is his sword and a weird, goblin-like creature named Grimbel to guide him through this strange new world.
Crusader #1 is intelligently constructed and highly entertaining. This first issue kicks off with well-established character dynamics and grisly action all dressed up in an art style that manages to be both charmingly cartoonish and atmospheric. Read Full Review
CRUSADER #1 sends a Templar Knight to a world of magic and monsters in a fast-reading fantasy/adventure. Emmonss setup is as clean, clear, simple, and efficient as it is entertaining. The art may be an acquired taste, but Emmonss excellent coloring makes the visuals accessible enough for anyone. Read Full Review
A bloody good, if not all-too-direct, tale of crusading action. Read Full Review
Questionable writing and even worse illustrations doom this book about a knight who somehow gets transported to a different world. The book tries to raise some interesting questions about overzealous faith. On that – and nearly every other point – it fails. Read Full Review
Enjoyed reading this issue a lot. The illustrations match the setting well, the character dynamics are set immediately. It's a story about a religious Crusading knight transported to another world and now has another reason to fight.