A+X #7

Writer: Christopher Yost, Mike Costa Artist: Stefano Casselli Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: April 24, 2013 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 4 User Reviews: 4
8.4Critic Rating
7.8User Rating

Artist Stefano Casseli (AVENGERS ASSEMBLE) and Mike Costa (G.I.: JOE: Cobra) show you the ever-loving blue-eyed Thing and the ever-lusting red-eyed Gambit playing the most dangerous game! Thor and Iceman teamup in one of the most visually amazing tales you’ve ever seen, courtesy of Christopher Yost (AVENGING SPIDER-MAN) and superstar artists-to be R’John Bernales and Chris Turcotte!

  • 9.6
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Matt Sargeson Apr 29, 2013

    Buy. This. Book. The stories are solid and the team-ups fizz, but the real draw is Orphan Cheeps' artwork on the Thor/Iceman story. It's nothing short of a revelation, and I offer my thanks to Marvel for bringing this head-turning new style to our attention. Let's hope they scramble to sign the duo up for a more substantial project as soon as possible. As a wicked fun no-continuity-attached read and now as a testing ground for new talent,A+X is delivering a brilliant package for its $3.99. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Newsarama - David Pepose Apr 25, 2013

    David PeposeThis may be a comic with two stories in it, but the first one is so good, that alone is worth the price of admission. Zeb Wells absolutely nails a Beast/Iron Man team-up, as Hank and Tony snipe and snark at one another over intellect, ego and drinking problems (Tony with alcohol, Hank with his own experiments) Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Apr 24, 2013

    The CG art style is interesting, showcasing what a Pixar or Dreamworks-animated Marvel movie might look like. The downside to this is that there's little storytelling flow from panel to panel since the story consists of so many splash pages and large shots. But on the other hand, the artists do an admirable job of giving the figures a sense of fluidity, something that is all too rare with CG artwork. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Kelly Thompson Apr 29, 2013

    When reading such short pieces as "A+X" tales, it's hard to decide what makes it worth reading, especially at a $3.99 price tag. The stories, because they are so short, are necessarily slight and they rely perhaps too heavily on jokes and clever pairings. In the end, individual mileage likely varies from reader to reader based on both affection for the character pairings and interest in the creative teams. So far, I confess to being far more entertained than I would have imagined. Read Full Review

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