The original Green Goblin versus Spider-Man. It's a rematch years in the making!
I hope the answer turns out to be "Yes," but the record for the past year is pretty thin. Read Full Review
At $3.99, this issue stings. The final chapter does a good job of delivering the goods, but the newer plot points introduced is making Brand New Day feel a bit too convoluted. We need answers before more plot is introduced. Read Full Review
"New Ways to Die" could have been the new Amazing Spider-Man's coming out party – its chance to show even the most pessimistic fan that the new status quo could lead to some very exciting stories. Instead, it fell a little short of that, giving us a watered down version of the Thunderbolts, a silly new symbiote villain, an annoying and whiney Harry and a slew of reminders that One More Day isn't nearly as far behind us as many of us would like. But don't miss next week, when Spider-Man frees himself from something heavy... again. Read Full Review
While the review may come off as overly negative, many of my problems stem primarily from BND. This issue never strays into a definitive Avoid It territory, but it's never overly impressive either. JRJr's Green Goblin is still one of my favourite interpretations of the character. Some of his best recent work, to be honest. Read Full Review
Overall, this issue was good in its parts, but could not sustain thematic momentum to drive the last nail into "New Ways to Die." Read Full Review
The second story was shit, but the main one is brilliant. I don't really want to lower the rating that much because of that dumb story with a random politician from Friendly Neighbourhood Spider-Man.