Amazing Spider-Man #583

Writer: Mark Waid Artist: Barry Kitson Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: January 14, 2009 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 4 User Reviews: 7
4.3Critic Rating
7.9User Rating

Peter Parker finally goes out on a date! Plus, the five page Barack Obama story back-up!

  • 8.3
    IGN - Bryan Joel Jan 14, 2009

    Even as a placeholder between "event" storylines, issue #583's one-shot story ranks among the top ten issues of Amazing Spider-Man over the past year. There's character depth, plot development, a range of emotion, and enough uniquely Spidey touches to make it a perfect story to promote with the variant cover gimmick. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comic Book Bin - Herv St-Louis Jan 20, 2009

    The artwork for the Obama insert was bad. Surely, MarvelComics could have found a better artist that can capture Barack Obama. He doesnthave high cheekbones. But then again, all of Nauck's characters look the same! I felt thatBarry Kitsons part was weaker, now that Mark Farmer was assigned as his inker.If Marvel Comics could go back to the previous team that corrected theweaknesses of Kitsons work, his run on Spider-man would be priceless. Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    Comic Book Resources - Timothy Callahan Jan 15, 2009

    It's a good thing all those people lined up in the cold probably only bought it for the cover. Read Full Review

  • 0.8
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Raymond Hilario Jan 19, 2009

    As for the Barack tale, Zeb Wells and Todd Nauck give you nothing but 5 pages of Spider-Man standing next to some black guy. Biggest highlight in the story? You wondering if Spidey and the awkward terrorist fist jab between him and the President is racist. Ditch this piece of shit. I'm sorry if you had to call x number of comic stores for this book, and ask your hot female friend who lives x miles away, to pick it up for you. But if you really need to see what all the hype is about, save yourself the time and money, and find it somewhere online. And for the record, I generally don't like to encourage piracy, considering it forces the publishers to raise the price on our books. However, I'm making an exception for this one. Besides, Marvel already got what they wanted with this book. Read Full Review

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