Amazing Spider-Man #642

Writer: Mark Waid Artist: Paul Azaceta Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: September 8, 2010 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 6 User Reviews: 2
6.5Critic Rating
7.8User Rating

ORIGIN OF THE SPECIES PART 1 When Norman Osborn's baby is born, every villain on the planet wants the first ever strain of pure Goblin blood, leaving Spider-Man's friends and family exposed to a sinister plan...

  • 9.0
    Comic Book Bin - Herv St-Louis Oct 3, 2010

    Azaceta is a great artists, but not necessarily the best choice for Spider-man. The editors of the book have been favouring artists like him over the traditional action-oriented ones for a while now. Perhaps they are trying to give Spider-man a unique look and feel. Well, in a sense its working. Im just concerned about how Azaceta makes Peter Parker look so fat! Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Major Spoilers - Scott Hunter Sep 10, 2010

    This book both delivered on and defied my expectations, all in a pleasant way. I was expecting the writing to be of a high quality, and it was; I was expecting the art to be good, but generic, and it was of a distinguishing style. If, like me, you've been staying away from everything Spider-Man for a while, then rest assured this book is a great purchase, and if you've been following the Spider-books, then I find it hard to imagine how this book could displease you (unless the art is not to your tastes). I give this book a hearty recommendation, and four and a half stars out of five. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    IGN - Dan Phillips Sep 9, 2010

    But all that isn't to say that Amazing Spider-Man #642 is a bad issue. It's not. There are a few moments where Waid and Azaceta click amidst their early missteps, and by the time they do hit their stride by issue's end it's clear they have an exciting story in store as the big finale to Brand New Day. I just hope they do a better, more natural job of integrating all of these ideas, story threads and characters into one climax. Read Full Review

  • 5.5
    Comic Book Revolution - Kevin Sep 13, 2010

    Amazing Spider-Man #642 was a good start to Origin of the Species arc which should only get bigger with the next three issues. Waid does a solid job setting the story up and did a good job writing Peter and his supporting cast. The problem with the story is that it heavily relies on Brand New Day continuity. If you have been reading or have been keeping up with what has gone on during Brand New Day than you will enjoy this story. If you havent I recommend passing on this arc and waiting for Big Time which begins next month. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Dean StellShare this:FacebookStumbleUponDigg Sep 12, 2010

    Nothing too special, but it seems to be a good Spidey superhero story that is 100% free of sobbing MJ. It is tempting to grade it higher, just because it isn't OMIT, but this is pretty average. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comics Bulletin - Robert Tacopina Sep 13, 2010

    I find it hard to give this issue a positive review because in my opinion outside of the rogues and Doc Ock there is nothing at all to be positive about. I hated the art with a passion and the story was so inconsistent in terms of characterization. This is one of Marvels flagship titles and they need to give it the love it so greatly deserves because this isnt cutting it. Read Full Review

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