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Reviewer For: Weekly Comic Book Review Reviews: 27
7.5Avg. Review Rating

27 #2

Jan 4, 2011

Another great issue. Be sure to pick it up when you head to the shop on Wednesday or get them to fetch you a copy. I'd also say this issue was worth tracking down on eBay and paying a few extra bucks for the shipping. This comic has a neat element of fun weirdness that we don't see everyday.

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28 Days Later #15

Oct 6, 2010

A very good story with a chilling rite of passage for one hero.

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Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #641

Sep 10, 2010

This was just a shit story arc. But, it is over and we have a new direction. Hopefully Dan Slott will write an awesome first story arc and make me forget OMIT.

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Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #642

Sep 12, 2010

Nothing too special, but it seems to be a good Spidey superhero story that is 100% free of sobbing MJ. It is tempting to grade it higher, just because it isn't OMIT, but this is pretty average.

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Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #643

Sep 15, 2010

A good, solid and dependable Spider-Man story, but missing that little bit of zass that would put it over the top.

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Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #644

Sep 29, 2010

It is very nice to finally be able to say something nice about an ASM issue after the dreadful OMIT and dull beginning to this Mark Waid story. Simply a fun issue of Spider-Man being chased by villains with cool plot twists at the end.

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Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #647

Nov 3, 2010

Brand New Day goes out in style, letting most of the creators and characters that had a role get a chance at the spotlight. Hopefully Big Time will prove a deserving successor to this excellence.

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Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #650

Dec 15, 2010

Three-for-three. Slott and Ramos are doing a great job on ASM. This is a fun story that is well written and moves along at a quick pace and the art is just awesome. Notice how no one is bitching about the $3.99 price tag on this book? You can charge that when the book is good. I should also note that I hate giving A's to comics and Slot and Ramos have now earned three in a row and are making me reconsider my vote for best ongoing series for 2010.

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Amazing Spider-Man Presents: Black Cat #4

Oct 19, 2010

A very satisfying conclusion to a nice action-comedy miniseries.

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American Vampire #10

Dec 22, 2010

Minor quibble aside, this is another outstanding issue. Snyder is really growing rapidly as an episodic storyteller and the art is top-notch. I wish that Vertigo, Image, etc. could come out with more series like this because I could completely kick my superhero habit if all creator-driven/owned comics were this good.

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American Vampire #11

Jan 28, 2011

To continue the baseball analogy, the perfect game continues into the 7th inning as Snyder & Co. retire the side in order on 2 strikeouts and a broken-bat dribbler to the first baseman. Seriously, if you aren't reading this series, what is wrong with you? I don't know that it's the “best” in American comics right now, but it is right up there in the top 5 with The Walking Dead and Scalped. Wonderful story and killer art.

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Chaos War: Dead Avengers #1

Nov 20, 2010

A nice event tie-in that doesn't try to be more than it is with really neat old-styled art.

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Cowboy Ninja Viking #9

Sep 28, 2010

Still one of the most original comics on the shelf, but the story is becoming a touch complex.

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Elephantmen #27

Sep 28, 2010

Good, but I'm ready to move to the conclusion of this story arc.

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Hack / Slash: My First Maniac #4

Sep 18, 2010

If you loved 80′s slasher films, you need to read this. Very satisfying ending to the first story arc at Image!

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Hack/Slash: Me Without You #1

Jan 15, 2011

Publication and numbering issues aside, this is a very good origin story for a favorite character. I'm sure this origin info will be used when Tim Seeley restarts the Hack/Slash ongoing series at Image in a few weeks.

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Hulk (2008) #26

Oct 23, 2010

Epic action served up at a frantic pace with great, great, great art. This book might have the championship belt for “best title that Marvel is currently publishing”.

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Incorruptible #10

Oct 5, 2010

Not the best effort from either a story or art standpoint. However, this series has been strong enough that it'll take more than one mediocre issue to make one lose faith. Hopefully, the next issue will return to the themes that have made Incorruptible good and different.

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Infinite Vacation #1

Jan 13, 2011

Wow! What a great first issue! Spencer & Ward have come up with a very original title and I can't wait to see where it ends up.

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Irredeemable #19

Nov 3, 2010

If you hate decompressed storytelling and writing for the trade, this is an issue (and series) for you. Since slowing the car down to accept new readers around issue #12, Waid has made cool things happen about 5 issues in a row.

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Marvel Universe vs. The Punisher #4

Sep 17, 2010

This was just a fun, quick miniseries. I enjoyed it and will buy the issues again if Maberry revisits this future Punisher.

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Morning Glories #2

Sep 14, 2010

Another “must read” issue. I love this.

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Ryder on the Storm #1

Oct 5, 2010

A very interesting supernatural end makes one eager to see what will happen in the second issue.

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The Bulletproof Coffin #4

Sep 19, 2010

The novelty of this story isn't wearing off. I love the homage to old-timey comics!

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The Walking Dead #77

Sep 22, 2010

Another great issue. Amazing how fresh this series feels after 77 issues. Also amazing that we haven't had any serious zombie action in ~20 issues (although I think the clock is ticking on that front).

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The Walking Dead #79

Nov 24, 2010

A rare place filler issue for TWD. It is forgivable because next episode the SHTF (Google it). Won't issue #80 be GREAT Christmas reading?!?!

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Time Bomb #2

Sep 14, 2010

Even though I've picked a little bit, I do like this comic series and am looking forward to issue #3. Palmiotti and Gray have a neat sci-fi/WWII story going and I want to see how it turns out. Definitely worth picking up when you visit the comic shop on Thursday (since it's Labor Day this week).

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