Cable and X-Force #14

Writer: Dennis Hopeless Artist: Salvador Larroca Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: September 18, 2013 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 3
6.3Critic Rating
7.5User Rating

• It's time for the final showdown: X-FORCE vs. THE UNCANNY AVENGERS!
•  Can Hope save her adopted father from the Uncanny Avengers - and from himself?
•  And in the wake of this tumultuous battle, what will be the future of Cable's X-Force?

  • 6.7
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Sep 18, 2013

    This issue also suffers from uncharacteristically weak art. Salvador Larroca's pencils are about as rushed and haphazard as I've ever seen. Working with colorist Frank D'Armata, Larroca has always had a tendency to leave it up to the colors to fill in the finer details on his figures. But that approach is far more pronounced here, as many figures are little more than loose outlines of uniform line weight and colored in. This artistic duo has long ranked among the fastest in the industry, but maybe even they need a breather from time to time. Read Full Review

  • 6.0 - Stuart Conover Sep 20, 2013

    Usually I don't comment on the art in issues. I know it's something I need to do more but unless it stands out as amazing or bad I let it blend in with how the story is told. This is one of those issues it falls into the bad category. The detail felt lacking as if it was rushed ,which is the first time that's happened this much for the series and hope it's not a trend that continues. Read Full Review

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