Captain America & Bucky #622

Writer: Marc Andreyko, Ed Brubaker Artist: Chris Samnee Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: September 28, 2011 Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 7
9.0Critic Rating
8.9User Rating

A look back at the time Cap and Bucky went from the only two heroes of WWII to just a few of the amazing superhumans fighting with the Allied Forces.

  • 10
    Comics Bulletin - Sara McDonald Oct 6, 2011

    This issue focuses on Bucky Barnes feeling like the odd man out with the Invaders during WWII. He's not a super soldier like Captain America, nor does he have super powers like the Human Torch and Toro. As Bucky puts it in his narration, "I was just a kid in a domino mask." When the other Invaders are captured in a trap Bucky wasn't able to prevent, he sets out to rescue his teammates and prove himself despite his lack of superpowers. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    IGN - Joey Esposito Sep 28, 2011

    If Captain America and Bucky continues on its current course, it will undoubtedly become my most anticipated release from Marvel month after month. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Weekly Comic Book Review - SoldierHawk Oct 4, 2011

    If you're a Cap fan, you're going to want to be picking up this series until further notice. I know I will be. (If I had to choose, in fact, I'd keep this over Captain America in a heartbeat, and that's saying a lot for me.) Read Full Review

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