Captain Marvel #3

Writer: Kelly Sue DeConnick Artist: David Lopez Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: May 14, 2014 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 10 User Reviews: 8
8.4Critic Rating
9.1User Rating

• Captain Marvel & The Guardians of the Galaxy!
•  Carol takes her mysterious alien passenger home... and lands in the middle of an uprising against the Galactic Alliance!
•  Does our good soldier obey orders - or defy the Avengers and side with David against Goliath? Two guesses. First one doesn't count.

  • 10
    Comic Vine - Corey 'Undeadpool' Schroeder May 14, 2014

    If the worst thing you can say about an issue is that you wish there was more of it, that says something all by itself. This is, bar-none, one of the most fun books on the shelf that still manages plenty of legitimate drama. It manages to subvert expectations of both genre and plotline by hewing closely to how they're expected to work before suddenly twisting in a completely different direction. Sounds like Danvers' flying style, now that I think about it. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson May 20, 2014

    There's political intrigue with the Spartax, a difficult moral problem that parallels real-world refugees and the historical plight of the American Indian, and our hero is faced with the realization that her pre-judgements of a situation may have been entirely wrong and Captain Marvel coming face-to-face with at least three situations that she can't solve with photon bursts and raw power, making for a really interesting read. In short, Captain Marvel #3 looks great, provides a fascinating and nuanced story, and finally fully convinces me that editorial is serious about Captain Marvel standing alongside Thor, Iron Man and the rest at the top of the superhero heap, earning 4.5 out of 5 stars overall. Heck, even the “Mohawk space-helmet” works here! I recommend that you check this book out… Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Shadowhawk's Shade - Abhinav Jain May 16, 2014

    A slightly better issue overall than the previous one and a good, fun read that is also quick. I enjoyed it. Read Full Review

  • 8.6
    IGN - Jeff Lake May 14, 2014

    On art, David Lopez yet again infuses his simplistic style with heart and weight, his use of expression and body language ably complimenting the scenes at hand. Much of the book places Carol in the role of ambassador, and the artist really nails the divide between Carol and the citizens of Torfa. He imbues Carol with just the right amount of wide eyed navet and steely self assurance, and his panel work features a number of dramatic angles and mood shaping close ups. Colorist Lee Loughridge completes the effect, the book's warm hues becoming noticeably bleaker as the pages tick by. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Coming Up Comics - Timothy Merritt May 15, 2014

    The story is solid, and the end-of-issue setup seems ripe for an interesting new arc in the coming months, but more than anything this issue works because Kelly Sue is a skilled craftsman when it comes to her characters and her narrative. Readers know they can trust her to use Captain Marvel to tackle problems that require both photon blasts and philosophical debate. Jump on board if you like your heroes smart as well as strong, and witness how an intelligent storyteller strikes that balance. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills May 17, 2014

    Overall, DeConnick just writes a very entertaining main character, and Carol can carry this comic through any awkward and unfortunate setting or plot. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Nerds Unchained - Magen Cubed May 15, 2014

    Lopezs line work continues to impress, capturing much of the inherent comedy through lively characters expressions and great attention to detail. While Groot only appears for the first few pages, the loving detail given to every gnarled branch is worth highlighting as Lopezs knack for organic shapes is remarkable. And did anyone else catch what appears to be a statue of Cthulhu in the final page of the sick ward on Torfa, slightly obscured by overgrown brush and tree limbs? Colorist Loughridges palettes and use of shading, especially during the space chase at the beginning of the issue, is pleasing from start to finish. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - Pierce Lydon May 15, 2014

    The writing provides a good balance between drama and humor. Carol Danvers feels like the kind of superhero that you could be best friends with, and coupled with David Lopez's incredible visuals, that's enough to best any stagnation with the plot. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    We The Nerdy - Henry Varona May 20, 2014

    Overall, Captain Marvel is the flagship title that the company needs. Elevating the role of women at Marvel and the image of the company itself, it's a great adventure book that has a bright future ahead of it. Hopefully future issues will be able to further integrate Carol into the conflict instead of having her as an observer. As it stands though, Captain Marvel is simply stellar. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Doug Zawisza May 16, 2014

    While I enjoyed the previous volume of DeConnick's work with Carol Danvers, I've found myself even more enchanted by the work of this latest volume. "Captain Marvel" #3 is a nice encapsulation of why. DeConnick and Lopez are hitting all the right beats in this story and working very nicely to one another's strengths. Lopez's character and location designs are just alien enough to be fresh and new, but familiar enough to be comfortable. This feels like a space-borne Indiana Jones type of story as Danvers has clearly stepped much deeper into something when all she really wanted to do was make things better. Now stuck in between the residents of Torfa and the Galactic Alliance, Danvers' story is filled with the unexpected. Read Full Review

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