THIS IS IT!! THE MARVEL UNIVERSE'S LAST STAND! The Chaos King unleashes his ultimate attack against reality as we know it -- and our survival depends on a boy, his god, and their ragtag band of allies: The Mighty Thor! The Incredible Hulks! The Dead (and Living?) Avengers! The X-Men! Alpha Flight! But are they enough to stand against THE ANTI-ETERNITY ... The force that seeks to negate all existence itself? In this issue, the universe dies and everyone wins! …What?
Overall, a strong effort, and a great wrap-up to the Incredible Hercules series. And the next chapter looks like fun, too! Read Full Review
This book was big, loud, comic book fun. Sure, it may not have warranted all of the tie-ins, crossovers, and pop-outs it got, but at its core, it provided a wild adventure that changed the landscape of the Marvel Universe. It's over. It may eventually turn out to be a blip on comic book history, but the blip provided some very specific fanbases with some very specific memorable moments. Hercules is walking away from this series a changed man, and that seems to be just a sampling of the ramifications to come out of the "Chaos War." Read Full Review
A really good Herc story comes to a close. This might have been miscast as an event, but some big things did happen including some changes for Herc and the return of some lost heroes. I'll be curious to see how things continue in the new Herc ongoing this spring. Read Full Review
True, it's very difficult to come up with something totally original in this day and age, but when it feels quite this obvious, that's a problem to me. Still, I had fun with this ride, and I look forward to joining Herc and Amadeus on the next stage on their adventures. Read Full Review
If anything can be said for Chaos War #5 it is that it truly felt like the end of the Herc and Cho story, with both fulfilling their destinies. Fans of The Incredible Hercules will at least be able to glean some sort of nostalgia from the ending... but it isn't enough to justify the picking the book up at the $3.99 price point. Read Full Review