SHADOWLAND Tie-In Hell's Kitchen lies in ruins, and it is up to the people of New York to start anew and begin rebuilding. In this last chapter of his story, will Matt Murdock at last find final redemption for the events of SHADOWLAND?
Visually, the artwork continues to be great with exceptional colouring. It was probably the best thing about this issue. Read Full Review
The greatest attraction remains Marco Checchetto's artwork. Roberto de la Torre's absence is no longer felt, as Checchetto more than capably handles the same dark, noir-influenced style with a greater level of consistency. This isn't a bad issue by any means, but it suffers from the familiar and uneventful nature of most post-event epilogue books, and also from a series of hits and misses in terms of characterization. It's enough to make one wonder why we need both this issue and next week's Shadowland: After the Fall. Read Full Review
In fairness, there's nothing wrong with the story as a coda to "Shadowland." The main problem is that there isn't going to be an issue #513 in anything but number alone. It's rare an issue could have the words "Jumping Off Point!" slapped on the front, but this is one of those times. Daredevil will, presumably, have his own series again in a few months. Whether this one will survive much longer without him remains to be seen. Read Full Review
Oh... Matt is wanted again... But now he decided to just run away and his series was taken by Black Panther... Okay.