Dark X-Men: The Confession #1
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Dark X-Men: The Confession #1

Writer: Craig Kyle, Chris Yost Artist: Bing Cansino Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: September 23, 2009 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 6 User Reviews: 3
4.7Critic Rating
6.8User Rating

Emma Frost’s secret dealings with the Cabal come to light and her life will never be the same. ...CLASSIFIED... Rated T …$3.99

  • 8.4
    Weekly Comic Book Review - DS Arsenault Sep 23, 2009

    Kyle and Yost deliver a really strong boy loses girl character story, tied to everything that's going on in the Marvel Universe right now. And I have to say, there's a lot more to this couple than there ever was with Scott's relationship with Jean. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    The Comic Addiction - Antony Ellis Sep 26, 2009

    The art duties on this book as capable, and it is nice to see moments from Messiah CompleX, Cable, X-Force and the Dark Reign titles reimaged by a new artist but Cansino’s art isn’t mind blowing, and particularly when the introduction to this scene in Uncanny X-Men was originally penciled by Terry Dodson with awesome colours by Rachel Dodson, you can’t help but feel a bit cheated by the choice of artist. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comics Bulletin - Bill Janzen Sep 22, 2009

    So if you already have been keeping up with the X-Men comics over the past short while, this is a good chance to save yourself some money. But if you haven't been reading X-Men comics lately and want to catch up a bit, or if you just really, really like reading about the relationship between Scott and Emma, feel free to pick this up. Read Full Review

  • 4.6
    IGN - Bryan Joel Sep 23, 2009

    Dark X-Men: The Confession is an issue plagued by problems from top to bottom. Casual fans aren't going to care very much about the inconsequential, wafer-thin plot, and hardcore readers will find a woeful lack of stimulation in what basically amounts to a Cyclops and Emma Frost installment of Marvel's "encyclopedia-esque" Saga series priced at $3.99. It does nothing to benefit its lead characters, and seems to actively damage its heroine. The sooner this whole thing can be swept under the rug, the better off Scott, Emma, and their fans will be. Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    Comic Book Resources - James Hunt Sep 23, 2009

    Sadly, despite all the trails and build-up, the contents of "Dark X-Men: The Confession" really fail to deliver on almost every level. After reading this, I don't feel like I understand the characters any better, nor does it reveal anything about the events of "Utopia" that weren't already clear. The issue itself doesn't even really have a confession -- the characters mutually admit their shady dealings, but it's not as revelatory as the name suggests, nor even as its quasi-counterpart "Civil War: The Confession" was. As an X-Men fan, I want to like it, but as a critic, I can't bring myself to. Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Ryan Schrodt Sep 24, 2009

    This reeks of editorial mandate as I can't imagine that Craig Kyle and Chris Yost would push to write a story that is so utterly unnecessary. Marvel should be ashamed of themselves for producing this book, as it reveals nothing, sets up nothing, and does nothing more than to waste your $3.99. I hate to say it because I do really enjoy this creative team, but this is one of the few comics I've ever simply regretted buying. You need to avoid this at all costs. Go buy a backissue of XForce insteadthat way you can support the talented Kyle and Yost without succumbing to this mindblowingly unnecessary comic. Read Full Review

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