Deadpool #1
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Deadpool #1

Event\Storyline: Secret Invasion Writer: Daniel Way Artist: Paco Medina Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: September 10, 2008 Critic Reviews: 4 User Reviews: 4
7.3Critic Rating
8.1User Rating

Deadpool teams up with Deadpool, (well...Deathwish) in this alternate reality doppelganger extravaganza! The trip to a perfect world continues here from Spider-Man Annual #38, and features occasional attempts at serious subplot storytelling with guest-stars Spider-Man and Hulk. But nothing is as it seems and all will be revealed!

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Steven M. Bari/Erik Norris Sep 9, 2008

    Overall, I would say Deadpool #1 is a success. Daniel Way broke his track record with this specific reviewer, delivering a comic that I smiled all the way through without any moments of cringing. Paco Medina, and the rest of the art team, had some great visuals to occupy Way's script, the depiction of the Philly Phanatic being one of the book's highlights. And most importantly, Deadpool is back in some form. While the Secret Invasion aspect of Deadpool #1 is a bit off-putting, it still delivers a great introduction to the character. Therefore, just consider these first two issues a defining character study on how whacky and idiotic Deadpool really is. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Kyle Posluszny Sep 11, 2008

    I strongly urge all Marvel fans to at least give Deadpool #1 a look. The book does a nice job reintroducing a fan-favorite to the masses, and the it's refreshing and unique despite the fairly predictable Secret Invasion framework. While I do have my complaints, there is something to be said about a book that is just flat-out entertaining…and this one is. Read Full Review

  • 7.3
    IGN - Richard George Sep 10, 2008

    The bottom line is that this is a great change of pace as far as Secret Invasion tie-ins. I'm pretty much ready to get along with the main event into its aftermath, and this at least breaks up the constant dread and doom each Invasion issue seems to bring. Bring on the silly! The one thing to watch for the future is how effectively Way manages to play Deadpool's personality off of others. The book works when the chemistry is right, and Way will need a decent-sized cast to get things rolling on the right notes. We'll see how that works as time goes on. For now, I'm ready for some mascots and general insanity... and I'd really like to hear Wade's thoughts on the Skrulls being turned into cows. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    The Comic Addiction - Corwin C. Crowl Jan 1, 2009

    I was honestly worried that Deadpool would be portrayed as a bumbling idiot, especially with his P.O.V (Pool-O-Vision) and multiple voices. It is refreshing that he comes off as competent, deadly and a bit unstable. We also receive very little insight behind his actions up until the very end of the issue. It makes for a great cliff hanger but also makes the book feel like a light read. A double sized issue would have given us a better rounded story. At least Marvel recognizes this shortcoming and is publishing the next issue in two short weeks. Read Full Review

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