Three brand new Spiders get their start here! WEB-WEAVER: A not-so-mild mannered fashion designer at Van Dyne gets spider-powers and shows us a very different kind of Spider-Slayer. HUNTER-SPIDER: Imagine a world where Sergei Kravinoff got Spider-Powers. You are not ready for the most hardcore Spider yet! Both of these and Phil Lord & Christopher Miller, the filmmakers behind the Spider-Verse movies, create a new Spider just in time for the END OF THE SPIDER-VERSE!
Overall, this issue has decent balance and while it's not great, it's not awful. Read Full Review
I love the costume design and more than this Spidey, I love his version of SILK. I WANT MORE OF THAT.
The other two are also just as fun and insane. IDK where this is going and it'll likely be like a year before I read any of it.
Picked this up just for Kris Anka's cover lol
It's a not-bad-not-great anthology, almost certainly non-essential for the event to come.
Spider-Kraven is satisfying but predictable.
Web-Weaver is over-the-top camp and drawn in a style I don't much like, but I appreciate how well-developed his world and supporting cast are.
Syllie Spider is a cute idea -- but a bit of a waste of David Lopez's artistic talents.
Like the rest of this series, this was mediocre. Love the design of Web-Weaver though. That's A+.