Worlds come apart, realities are endangered and the lives of millions hang in the balance as The Sleeper wakes...
Neil Gaiman (MARVEL: 1602, Sandman, Anansi Boys) and John Romita Jr. (AMAZING SPIDER-MAN, WOLVERINE) deliver a mind-blowing story of cosmic proportions. With Ikaris dead, can the other Eternals put the pieces of their mysterious dreams together?
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Guys, the movie is a real crap, I swear you... I really didn't understand why the hell Celestials planted Tiamut inside the Earth and they didn't give a shit at all that it will be destroyed...
And now I read this comic... And it's awesome... Tiamut was a BAD Celestial which was BURIED inside the Earth by themselves... And it's soooooo much better and reasonable.