Nick Fury has been called in to deal with the Fantastic Four takeover of Latveria.
This issue offers up a wonderful Reed Richards moment where the character is allowed to break out of the pattern that has long been established, and actually take some real steps toward ensuring Doctor Doom never threatens his family again, by effectively removing his ability to do so. Now since he's not leaving the book I won't take issue with the fact that by having Reed essentially dismantle Doctor Doom's power base in Latveria, any writer that follows is going to have essentially rebuild what Mark Waid is busy taking apart if they want to present Doctor Doom as a viable threat. Than again following on the heels of what was a fairly solid Doctor Doom encounter perhaps it's actions like this that are needed to give this rivalry the kick in the pants it needed, as when Doctor Doom does return he'll have to attack them from a position that he's never faced them from before, and that is as the underdog. I'm also enjoying the global-political ramifications that were being bandied about i Read Full Review
One thing did puzzle me in the story. SHIELD I could have sworn was a United States agency. In The Fantastic Four SHIELD like UNIT operates under the authority of the United Nations. This curiosity is a minor quibble however especially when one compares it to such conundrums as oh say how Supergirl could have existed when the post-Crisis pocket universe created by John Byrne to explain Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes never did. Read Full Review
Not much happening, but I really liked this. Mark Waid understands comic clichés and works his story around them brilliantly.
Waid has finally developed the Reed vs Doom rivalry after decades of no development at all. We know Doom will be back one way or another, and Reed is actually being proactive about it. Very interesting issue. Loved it