Fantastic Four #506

Writer: Mark Waid Artist: Howard Porter Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 15
5.0Critic Rating
8.2User Rating

What inner demons are driving Reed Richards to the brink - and can the FF overcome them before the bombs start to rain down on Latveria?

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Nov 17, 2003

    I'm starting to suspect there is more to this story than meets the eye, as frankly both Reed and the government forces that have assembled against him both seem a little too set in their ways, and this has me suspecting that this build up of tensions is all been orchestrated, though I have to say I'm not quite sure as to what either side hopes to accomplish with this rather elaborate act. Now perhaps I'm reading too much into the inconsistent behavior from Reed and others, but I honestly feel that this pigheaded behavior on both sides is covering up a secret deal. However, there are moments that serve to throw water on this theory such as Reed's rather dire sounding letter to his wife, and his very cold, and harsh method of pushing her away, by labeling her an uncaring mother to his children. Still, my steadfast belief that there is something we haven't been made privy to, is a continued nagging doubt that I can't put out of my mind, and until the final issue arrives I can't help but f Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    Comics Bulletin - Ray Tate Nov 14, 2003

    Another sucky issue. Just ride it out. The real fun, cosmic adventures are coming real soon. Read Full Review

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