An alternate dimension version of the Fantastic Four may scuttle any chance the FF ever has of redeeming its reputation!
Paco Medina is a solid artist with a style that is a pretty close match to Mike Wieringo, so his guest-stint on this arc isn't overly disruptive. He's brings a sense of style to the action sequnces, as they are pretty easy to follow, and the big impact moments, like the Wizard's attack on the Trapster, are exceptionally well done. In fact my only quibble with the art is that he forgot to include Johnny's four when he's flamed on, which made the character look a bit off. Still, I have to say Gene Ha delivers a fantastic looking cover, as his Thing looks amazing. Read Full Review
The art really grew on my this issue and Waid got me genuinely interested in this new Frightful Four
A little too wordy for my taste, but still enjoyable.