Fantastic Four #564

Writer: Mark Millar Artist: Bryan Hitch Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: February 25, 2009 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 9
8.0Critic Rating
8.9User Rating

Dear Readers, you have our word that nothing this lame happens inside this very special Christmas issue. Yours sincerely, Mark and Bryan. Part 1 (of 2). 32 PGS./Rated T …$2.99

  • 8.0
    IGN - Kevin Fuller Feb 25, 2009

    Even though I'm a little disappointed that the Masters of Doom arc will have to wait a bit longer, Millar more than makes up for it with a short Christmas mystery/horror tale to keep my sated until then. Hopefully the payoff/reveal next issue is as good as I'm expecting. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - David Wallace Feb 24, 2009

    More than anything else, this issue reminded me of the film The Wicker Man. Not only is the remote Scottish setting similar, but the parochial nature of the townsfolk and the manner in which religion is implicitly tied to a grisly sacrificial tradition all evoke elements of that classic British horror movie. It's not the first type of story that might spring to mind when you think of the Fantastic Four, but that only suggests that Millar and Hitch deserve even more credit for showing that the book doesn't have to restrict itself to the usual FF formula to tell an enjoyable story. The result is a good superhero horror yarn that succeeds in building suspense and intrigue that will surely be paid off in the concluding chapter. Read Full Review

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