Fantastic Four #566

Writer: Mark Millar Artist: Bryan Hitch Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: May 20, 2009 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 5 User Reviews: 8
7.2Critic Rating
6.5User Rating

THE MASTERS OF DOOM Part one of four. It begins here! The final storyline of the Millar/Hitch run on FANTASTIC FOUR, culminating all of the plot threads they’ve set up so far! From across the universe they come, returning to the Earth after a twenty year journey of genocide and sadism. They’re the men who tutored Doctor Doom in the ways of villainy—and their re-emergence signals the greatest conflict the Fantastic Four have ever been party to! Rated T+ …$2.99

  • 8.4
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck May 23, 2009

    It's the role he was born to play. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Comic Book Revolution - Rokk Krinn May 28, 2009

    Fantastic Four #566 was way too slow and simply did not have enough substance to it. That combination made this issue just an average read for me. Still, Millar has done such a good job during his run on this title that he has earned my patience and trust while he gets this new story arc in place. So, I still remain positive that the next issue will be a much better read. Read Full Review

  • 7.1
    IGN - Bryan Joel May 20, 2009

    So it's a mixed bag, then. Fantastic Four #566 is likely to impress the first time you crack it and offers a decent first part of a story, but falters upon repeat readings and analytical dissection. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - David Wallace May 19, 2009

    Elsewhere, there's a twist in the relationship between The Thing and his fiance which feels a little forced at this point, yet may well turn out to be more complex and calculated than it currently appears. We also see Reed and Sue conduct an autopsy on Uatu's body -- but to be honest, this scene feels more like an excuse to work the characters into the story than anything else. For a book called Fantastic Four, the team themselves do very little this issue, with most of the pages devoted to setting up the villains of this final arc. Still, that task is accomplished well, and this is an effective opening chapter for the creative team's final arc, even if it isn't the most rewarding single issue in its own right. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Book Resources - Chad Nevett May 19, 2009

    The end of the issue is a bit of a surprise and sets up the Marquis as a real threat and, hopefully, Millar and Hitch can follow through on the promise the character holds. Read Full Review

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