Fantastic Four #67

Writer: Mark Waid Artist: Mike Wieringo Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: April 30, 2003 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 17
6.0Critic Rating
9.0User Rating

UNTHINKABLE PROLOGUE What great sacrifice did Doom make to gain his frightful power?

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Apr 6, 2003

    This issue acts as a fairly solid reminder that Victor Von Doom is not a nice guy, and that while he may toss around the idea that he's noble & just in his treatment of others, the simple fact of the matter is that he's a villain who has shown time & time again that his one goal in life is to be the top dog in his dog eat dog world view. Was I surprised by his actions in the final page? Sure, I'll admit I fell for the little ruse that Mark Waid had the character play, as one of the more appealing elements Dr. Doom does have going for him is the idea that there are times when he can surprise you with a moment of heroism and/or nobility, and as such the heartfelt pleas that he makes in this issue do have a degree of credibility to them. However, I also love it when a writer is able to provide such a impressive reminder that a character is a villain, and as such one should never be surprised to learn what new level of depravity this character can sink to. I can't wait to see where Mark Wa Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comics Bulletin - Ray Tate Mar 30, 2003

    Mike Wieringo returns for this issue. His art is very suitable for the lion's share of the story, but it's too shiny and innocent for the finale. The sense of the horrific is downplayed, and I wouldn't be surprised if the character in question wasn't artificially aged in comparison to Doom and Reed Richards his contemporary just so the creative team may better get away with presenting Doom's criminal acts. Read Full Review

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