Incredible Hercules #117

Event\Storyline: Secret Invasion Writer: Greg Pak Artist: Rafael Sandoval Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: May 21, 2008 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 6 User Reviews: 2
7.9Critic Rating
6.2User Rating

The Greek Goliath gathers the most powerful super-team ever assembled to counter-attack the Skrull gods!

  • 9.2
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen May 21, 2008

    Once again the Secret Invasion tie-ins prove themselves to be superior to the main event itself. This arc gets off on the right foot precisely because it blends so well. I was left with the distinct impression that this story would have proceeded as it is regardless if Secret Invasion existed. At the same time, the tie-in allows for a couple neat little Skrully revelations. The best recommendation for tie-in books has always been to follow the books you normally do. Those are some sage words of wisdom. If you've been having a blast with Herc so far, that won't change one bit. If you've passed the series by each month, what the heck are you waiting for? God Squad!!! Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Book Bin - Andy Doan Jun 3, 2008

    Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Kyle Posluszny May 22, 2008

    If you haven't noticed by now, I really enjoyed this issue of The Incredible Hercules. I will definitely go back to catch up on what I missed, but not necessarily because I felt like I missed something. The writing is so strong that I was instantly drawn into Herc's story and only feel like I need to go back because I know I won't be able to wait a month for the next issue. If you have been hesitant about this series up until this point, now is the time to get in on the action. Not only does it have to do with the Secret Invasion, but it also proves why The Incredible Hercules has become such a critically acclaimed series. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Resources - Timothy Callahan May 23, 2008

    Rafa Sandoval's art is majestic and detailed. Pak and Van Lente's script is tight and inventive. This issue may be set-up for the showdown between the gods and the Skrulls, or it may all be a misdirect, a way to weaken the pantheons so the Skrulls can destroy from within. Would the Skrulls be audacious enough to take on the gods on their home turf? Maybe. With this series, it seems as if anything can happen, and that's something I look forward to each month. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Mark J. Hayman May 20, 2008

    In the end this issue will read better as a chapter in the trade volume, but still stands nicely on its own. Among my own biases, one is definitely served with the inclusion of Snowbird/Narya, who has been "temporarily released from the mystic ban against leaving the Northern Dominion" (sic), and included as part of the quest. If you think that Snowbird's just a (dead sexy) superhero who can transform into a seal or cuddly arctic hare, you don't know Snowbird. We're reminded of her power and divinity when she effortlessly blocks blow after blow, passively restraining Hercules as he hath at it with a couple of his new teammates. Once sufficiently ticked, she transforms into a polar bear and takes a not as passive paws-on approach to restoring order. So, leaving all else aside, an arc featuring Snowbird guarantees that my interest will remain, er, aroused. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Kirk Warren May 21, 2008

    Not sold on the God Squad just yet, as I have no clue who they are and nothing impressive happened here. I liked the return of AmatsuMikaboshi, as he was great in the Ares mini, so there's at least one plus here. I hope no one turns out to be a Skrull and betrays them, as that would be all too predictable and cheesy at the same time. Read Full Review

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