Incredible Hulk #107

Writer: Greg Pak Artist: Gary Frank, Jon Sibal Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: June 20, 2007 Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 9
8.5Critic Rating
7.3User Rating

The Illuminati called the Hulk a monster -- and shot him into space. But Amadeus Cho, the boy genius who took on Reed Richards in INCREDIBLE HULK #100, calls the Hulk a hero -- and prepares for his return. With just his big brain, a lot of guts and a few billion dollars stolen from Warren Worthington III, Cho tackles the insane task of building a team of heroes willing to side with the Hulk against the rest of the Marvel Universe. Will Hercules and Angel become the Hulk's Champions? Will Namor be his Defender? And what happens when the Prince of Power meets the Green King on Manhattan's shattered streets?

  • 10
    Comics Bulletin - Bryant Frattalone Jul 3, 2007

    Greg Pak echoes the glory days of Peter Davids run bringing yet another jolt of life to what can easily become a one dimensional flat character. A great supporting cast with realistic motivations and kinetic and emotional art from the team of Frank and Sibal make this a thoroughly enjoyable Summer Blockbuster comic. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Kevin Powers Jun 21, 2007

    Overall, Id have to say that this issue captures the spirit and the idea behind World War Hulk well and does an excellent job showing that the Hulk actually does have allies on Earth. It will be very interesting to see how this event plays out and whether or not it will indeed by the God of Thunder who finally puts an end to Hulks rampage. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Comic Book Revolution - Rokk Krinn Jun 22, 2007

    Incredible Hulk #107 was a good read. Pak is a talented writer who has impressed me with his work. I like the collection of characters that Pak has assembled on this title. World War Hulk certainly has the makings of a wild and action packed storyline. It should be a fun ride. Read Full Review

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