Morgan Le Fay is on the verge of turning the tri-state area into the kingdom she's always dreamed of - and Ms. Marvel, Squirrel Girl and their friends are out of ideas to stop her. But sometimes help can come from the most unexpected places - and just when you need it most, you'll find the pathway home is clear after all.
Rated T
. The scaffolding of all of this is by-the-books superhero fare, but the emotional core is there and shines bright enough to make it a worthwhile read. Read Full Review
The heroes overcome Morgan when their empathic approach sways her followers, including the river monster. Some cute, solid character art and nicely-done narration from Squirrel Girl's point of view end this series on a (modest) uptick. We took a meandering path to get here, but it's a nice destination.
Guess it’s a good thing that Squirrel Girl also cannot be defeated by a lack of oxygen.
A really poor ending. I won't miss this title at all.