"The Coming Darkness..." The throwdown you've been waiting for-- and that Loki, God of Mischief-- has been scheming towards: THE MIGHTY AVENGERS versus THE DARK AVENGERS! Hank Pym's team has tried their best to be a shining light in the world of Dark Reign but this might be the time that light gets snuffed out! Special appearance by the MIGHTY THOR! Rated A …$3.99
I was happy to see Pham back this issue. He really defined this series for me. I do miss his usual inker though who brings more fluidity to the lines in his design than Yeungs inks. Yeungs lines are finer and he is better with the cartoony and facial expression work of Pham, but he doesnt add the grittiness and the kinetic energy of Miki to Phams work. Still, the cleaner approach is not bad at all, as the facial expressions look better than before. Read Full Review
Marvel's putting out a load of very interesting stories of late, but none are as all-encompassing -- as Marvelous -- as this title. After all, where else will you encounter dialog like, "Zounds, man! Must thou be such a tool?" This is the stocking stuffer or Secret Santa gift to give to that fan that has always enjoyed superheroes. That could even include yourself; after all, isn't that part of the holiday shopping experience? This is the Avengers, bold and bombastic, loud and lively -- superheroics at its best. Read Full Review
Although it doesn't seem to be attracting the same level of attention as some of the other (Bendis-penned) Avengers books, Mighty Avengers continues to be a great introduction to Marvel's wide universe of characters, in addition to being a good old-fashioned fun superhero book. Read Full Review
The character interaction in this is fun, but the breakneck pace of the issue undercuts the plot considerably and the art simply isn't up to par with Khoi Pham's standards. Chances are, you already know that the Mighty Avengers and Dark Avengers don't like one another, so there isn't a lot for most readers to latch onto here. Read Full Review