Mighty Avengers #31

Writer: Dan Slott, Christos Gage Artist: Sean Chen Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: November 18, 2009 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 7 User Reviews: 2
6.4Critic Rating
7.2User Rating

The epic conclusion! The MIGHTY AVENGERS and members of the NEW AVENGERS, YOUNG AVENGERS and the AVENGERS RESISTANCE assemble against the incalculable might of THE UNSPOKEN! Plus QUICKSILVER is reunited with the INHUMANS... now what will they do with him? All this and the strange secret of the Infinite Avengers Mansion stands revealed! This one's got it all! Rated A …$2.99

  • 9.0
    The Comic Addiction - Robert Tacopina Nov 21, 2009

    It appears that Slott & Gage have found their niche in the Avengers universe and while the two writers have worked together before on Avengers Initiative it feels that they are just now truly coming into their own. By utilizing the strengths of each others skills the duo have added some much needed punch to an affiliation that has been outshined by their “New" counterparts. If they can somehow hold onto the momentum they have attained there is no reason at all Mighty Avengers can’t become the premier Avengers title on the shelves. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Ryan Schrodt Nov 20, 2009

    Mighty Avengers has steadily gotten better over the last few months, all building up to this very impressive issue. The writing team of Slott and Gage bring back the fun that superheroes are known for without sacrificing the action or the impact of the story (the latter is especially true in the highly emotional epilogue). This issue will remind you what made the Avengers so addictive for the last several decades. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Bin - Herv St-Louis Jan 9, 2010

    The artwork was good, although a departure from the regular artist. A little bit more inks and shadows would have balanced the pages more. It felt like everything was a pastel palette. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Comic Book Revolution - Jim Nov 24, 2009

    Another solid issue. Slott continues his run of classic style Avengers stories. Recommended to Avengers fans. Next issue should be a good jumping on point with the start of the next storyline. Read Full Review

  • 5.2
    IGN - Bryan Joel Nov 18, 2009

    Sean Chen's fluid, expressive artwork isn't even enough to save this issue. His work here is a confused, rushed affair that doesn't do much with the pieces the writers laid down over the course of its admittedly boring first four parts. If the creators are going for a Silver Age technique of storylines that are more free-flowing, it isn't immediately recognizable, and they've only really succeeded in making things feel detached. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton Nov 23, 2009

    At the end of the day, I think I expect more from this creative team. They're certainly capable of things more entertaining, both independently and working together. Some issues of "Mighty Avengers" have been enjoyable and clever, but this one just feels like it concluded with a thud. Here's hoping the spark returns next month. Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Nov 18, 2009

    Despite an incredibly uninteresting, disappointing storyline, culminating in this issue that proved to be too little too late, I nonetheless feel like this book is headed in a direction thats going to pay off in a big way down the road. Of the crop of Avengers books being published right now, this is the one that keeps me coming back month after month because I believe in its potential, even when the comic doesnt live up to it. Read Full Review

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