AVENGERS ASSEMBLE! As the epic battle with The Unspoken threatens all of Earth, the team-up you've been waiting for finally happens as members of the Mighty Avengers, New Avengers, Young Avengers, and the Avengers Initiative unite to fight a foe that no single hero could withstand! How can we fit so many Avengers in one issue? Against the most powerful Inhuman of all, with the greatest weapon in history, do they have a choice? All that plus a special appearance by the Dark Avengers. Rated A …$2.99
This issue is a great reminder of why superhero comic books can be so fun. You get amazing characters, strong art, insurmountable odds, and a bevy of unexpected twists and turns. Too often major threats lead to a superhero comic being a major bummer, but this one will have you excited to see what comes next and cheering as the Avengers head into battle. Read Full Review
I like the break in artist this issue. The artwork is more solid and crisp. The inking is clean. Khoi Pham is a great artist, but he was starting to use shortcuts in his work. A new artist has a tendency to reinvigorate a series and makes us think it might be more fun than we expected. Considering the job that was done to present Hank Pym as a major force in the Avengers, It was good to see so well handled visually. Read Full Review
Dan Slott has returned the "real" Avengers to the Marvel Universe. When the Siege miniseries is over, I hope that Dan stays on the Avengers. He appears to have a plan and knows how to implement it. Read Full Review
In the old days of Avengers, calling in the reserves and creating one massive team of superheroes used to give a threat legitimacy and signal to readers that the story was serious business. Unfortunately it doesn't work the same way for Mighty Avengers #30, because while there's a degree of coolness in seeing so many different Avengers from factions past and present, I've never felt like I was following the exploits of the also-rans until just now. Read Full Review
In a word: Scattered. Read Full Review
Mighty Avengers continues to be a fun comic and the best Avengers title being printed right now, but it is taking a serious beating from a bad story that is getting worse every month. There are a few slivers of good ideas present here, but not nearly enough to justify buying the comic. You don't need this one, either. Read Full Review
Great, now Slott has gotten his paws on all the other Avengers