From acclaimed writer CULLEN BUNN, known for his work on DEADPOOL, UNCANNY X-MEN and more, comes a high-action sci-fi series centered on a team of monstrous and monstrously massive do-gooders including KID KAIJU, AEGIS, SLIZZIK, SCRAGG, HI-VO AND MEKARA.. Now teaming up with vampire-hunter ELSA BLOODSTONE, the series unfolds as the team takes on gargantuan creatures and protects the planet from ruin and disaster. However, can they be accepted by the rest of the Marvel Universe and allowed to help, or will they be deemed dangerous as well?
Rated T
Good grief, this is a fun, (mostly) all-ages friendly book. Bunn captured my attention with his treatment of Valkyrie in Fear Itself: The Fearless (one of the few crossover-related books I actually go back to re-read every so often) and the over-the-top ideas he dropped into the Monsters Unleashed miniseries. Add in Elsa Bloodstone, find a way to make H.E.R.B.I.E. cool (thanks in no small part to Baldens design), and bring back the monsters, and youve got a comic that has my attention and money. If youre looking for something different, smart, and independent, give this a go. You just might find a fun comic worth adding to your pull list. I did. Read Full Review
I enjoyed the previous event that led to this more as it went along but this first issue has so much energy and fun about it, plus there's a mix of giant monsters to enjoy. Bunn brings action, heart, humor, and fun in a series that's quite unexpected from Marvel. While I was really interested in this first issue, I wasn't expecting to enjoy it as much as I did and out of everything I've read so far this week, it stands out from the pack. Read Full Review
Monsters Unleashed delivers a different sort of comic book event. Cullen Bunn, Steven McNiven, Jay Leisten, and David Curiel set the stage across Earth in the Marvel Universe when giant monsters begin attacking. The appearances by the different characters show the scope of the threat without cramming the heroes in each others' faces. Marvel superheroes fighting huge beasts isn't something we everyday. The rest of the monster-fighting issues should be a blast as well. This is a good setup and nice hors d'oeuvre for what's coming next. Read Full Review
It's not bad, but it's certainly not great, and it's almost definitely not something the market can sustain at this time. Read Full Review
Monster's Unleashed "unleashes" another bland ongoing into the Marvel publishing slate. Read Full Review