New Avengers #10

Writer: Brian Michael Bendis Artist: Steve McNiven Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: September 21, 2005 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 12
4.0Critic Rating
6.8User Rating

SENTRY CONCLUSION Discover Sentry's darkest secrets in the conclusion to his tell-all tale! Can the New Avengers and other of Marvel's greatest heroes help him?

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - David Wallace Sep 26, 2005

    But more than anything else, this story has an air of functionality about it, as it has to set up a new status quo for the Sentrys character whilst integrating his old miniseries (which Marvel is looking to pimp again in a collected format in the near future), as well as modifying the character to make him work in a team book and a new miniseries of his own which begins next week. Its no surprise that, in trying to keep all these plates spinning, Bendis hasnt managed to produce a classic story here. Its a shame, as I do think the idea of a misfit Avengers has some merit and a lot of potential for future stories, but it looks as though its going to take over a years worth of comics before the team really pulls itself together - Next Issue: Ronin! And with better New Avengers stories being told elsewhere (*cough* Amazing Spider-Man *cough*), this series is going to have to live up to its own title pretty soon or its readers are going to end up frustrated and bored, waiting f Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    Comics Bulletin - Kelvin Green Sep 26, 2005

    But on the whole this is sanity-shreddingly, internet-breakingly dire, a prolonged exercise in shameless unstoppable cack-handery, and I can't believe that it's taken four bloody interminable issues to wade through this faeculent nonsense. Read Full Review

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