New Mutants #11

Event\Storyline: Siege Writer: Kieron Gillen Artist: Niko Henrichon Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: March 31, 2010 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 2
6.6Critic Rating
7.8User Rating

SIEGE BLOCKBUSTER TIE-IN!! Back in DARK AVENGERS/UNCANNY X-MEN:UTOPIA, Dani Moonstar made a deal with Hela. Now, the mistress of Hel is calling in her marker. With all the Asgardians falling in the Siege of Asgard, someone needs to deal with the dead. And who better to do so than a Valkyrie. But where is Dani supposed to be bringing these dead? Brought to you by a guest creative team of Kieron Gillen (THOR, S.W.O.R.D.) and Niko Henrichon (PRIDE OF BAGHDAD). Rated T …$2.99

  • 7.0
    The Comic Addiction - Antony Ellis Apr 3, 2010

    All in all the book is a departure from the direction Zeb Wells was taking the book (with the Apprentice style sub-plot of Cyclops looking for his successor) and the departure from this theme will only be further extended with X-Men: Second Coming taking over the plot for the next three months, however, the latter crossover has me so excited I think I can wait a few months longer to see which of the potential candidates is Scott’s heir apparent. Read Full Review

  • 6.8
    IGN - Bryan Joel Mar 31, 2010

    For its successes and failures, one thing is for certain - New Mutants #11 will probably one really appeal to those with a vested interest in Dani Moonstar as a character. For those of us who have followed her for decades, while this issue may not be the seminal interpretation of the character, it still contains a good plot beat for her and reminds us why she's a decent character in the first place. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Book Resources - James Hunt Apr 5, 2010

    All things considered, the issue ticks all the necessary boxes, and it's easy to appreciate the lengths to which it goes to provide a satisfying "New Mutants" story that also works as part of the wider crossover. If tie-ins were all this neat, maybe crossovers wouldn't have such a bad rep. Read Full Review

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