New X-Men #153

Writer: Grant Morrison Artist: Marc Silvestri Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: February 18, 2004 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 10
7.0Critic Rating
7.3User Rating

HERE COMES TOMORROW PART 3 Xavier's dream stays alive as the X-Men of tomorrow make preparations for a final showdown with...Beast!?

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Shawn Hill Feb 20, 2004

    In Morrisons dystopia, the one remaining Sentinel has converted to aiding the mutants, as if too horrified to go on otherwise. Morrison clearly celebrates the diversity Sublime is (has always been) threatened by, and thus showers us with a kaleidoscope of magical mutant moments. A green-haired be-winged angel. Tito (one of Beaks more kick-ass descendants) employing an emblematic fastball special with a still fearsome Wolverine. Jean showing up in a variation of her Goblin Queen getup. Old bats Cassandra and Martha reminiscing about old friends and surrealist painting. That last reference, to an image called Europe After the Rain is the key to this entire story. Like many of his compatriots before him in the field of science fiction, Morrison is enacting his own nightmare of a fallen empire, caught in the death-throes of decline. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Mar 12, 2004

    I'm starting to get the sense that Grant Morrison's final kick at the can on this title is not going to be the one most readers will look upon as his best idea, as it's a pretty conventional story where the only truly interesting ideas are only given a passing glance. I mean it's an enjoyable enough read, and if he manages to offer up a half decent climax, than I'm sure I'll be happy to recommend it to readers, but three-quarters of the way in I find myself struggling to say I'm all that invested in this story. I mean the characters haven't exactly been overly fleshed out, and as such when they start to fall in battle I find myself strangely unmoved. I liked the concept of Rover and I, but when one half of this pair is essentially killed off I found myself wondering why I wasn't more impressed by the idea that Grant Morrison was willing to kill off this character. In the end we have a mildly interesting villain, with a run-of-the-mill plan to destroy the world, and a cast of heroes who Read Full Review

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