New X-Men #152

Writer: Grant Morrison Artist: Marc Silvestri Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: January 21, 2004 Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 11
6.7Critic Rating
7.7User Rating

HERE COMES TOMORROW PART 2 Apollyon the Destroyer has brought the endless armies of the Beast to the Starlit Island! Will the X-Men give up the Phoenix egg?

  • 10
    Comics Bulletin - Michael Wilson Jan 27, 2004

    X-Fans have to check this out. Despite what the critics are saying, there is a lot of interesting stuff going on in this story. Grant Morrisons three year run on New X-Men was easily the best since Chris Claremont was on Uncanny X-Men. No writer has been as original in the last thirteen years than Morrison. Though I will admit that Planet X was a disaster, I view this storyline as a perfect ending to this legendary run. Even the harshest critics have to admit that this is the best written X-Team book in the last three years. Marc Silvestris return is perfect for this storyline. While the artistic quality has suffered over the last three years, Silvestri brings back those electrifying pencils that made him famous in the first place, except hes better than ever. Just buy the issue. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Jan 29, 2004

    I'm not quite sure why I'm not warming to this arc as normally I'm a happy camper when a writer takes us into the future. However, I suspect most of my resistance to this arc stems from the simple fact that Grant Morrison doesn't really look to be trying all that hard when it comes to this story. I mean the genetic cloning of the old X-Men & the merging of their powers is a clever idea, and I like Tom Skylark & Rover, but when one gets past these ideas there's not much to this story. I mean we have a dark, disturbing future that is ruled by a powerful villain, and we have a small band of rebels that are the last defense. We also have a powerful weapon that has come into play that could very well turn the tables against this villain's rule, and I can already see the scene where Wolverine is able to get Jean to join the side of our brave heroes to overthrow the villain's rule. Still the attack of the Nightcrawlers in the opening pages was a lot of fun, and the scenes that center around T Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comics Bulletin - Shawn Hill Jan 30, 2004

    While theres undeniable coolness in the were walking splash page where the rag-tag remaining mutants begin their final stand, Im really looking for more than small details as the reward for following this run to the end. I want to know whats going on with Jean, Emma and Scott, dammit! Read Full Review

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