Summary: Spidey crashes into a warehouse to find a crippled Hobgoblin. He tells Spidey how he poisoned Harry in order to coerce his help. He relates how he stole the Kingpin's ledger then was injured in a fall when the Kingpin's henchmen shot up his glider. Hobgoblin lost the ledger, so he gives Spidey a tracer that is covered with toxin. He will give Spidey the antidote when he gives him the ledger. Spidey goes to Curt Connors for help, but there isn't sufficient time to develop an antidote. Spidey goes to a mobster's yacht & fights through his henchmen to recover the ledger. He goes to Connors' house to check on the status of obtaining an alternative antitoxin & finds the Kingpin's henchmen there. The Kingpin offers him the antidote in exchange for the ledger. Spidey delivers the antidote to Harry, then goes after the Hobgoblin. He can't get to HG because he is behind a transparent barrier. HG tells him that he doesn't have the antidote & wouldn't let him live before disappearing beneath the floor. Spidey finds the Kingpin outside waiting for him. KP calls him an amateur for letting HG escape.more