PHOENIX's battle with THANOS and the BLACK ORDER came down to a critical decision - a moment of trust at the limits of Jean Grey's incredible mind that has left her in incredible danger, fighting for the fate of the Phoenix Force. Meanwhile, her enemies have become more powerful than ever - as PERRIKUS' alliance with ADANI grows to include the evil DARK GODS!
Rated T+
Phoenix #8 is not just a stirring story of self-acceptance, but it truly strives to have Jean Grey come to terms with her past. It also brings to mind a line from William Shakespeare's The Winter Tale: "Do as the heavens have done, forget your evil; With them forgive yourself." The Bard probably didn't know it, but he wrote the perfect line to describe Jean's life. Read Full Review
There was some really stunning moments throughout the comic, mostly having to do with Jean. For instance, when Jean is fighting the Dark Phoenix. The bright colors mixed with the cosmic powers coming from both powerhouses gave us a full page of beautiful art that really brought a whole new depth to the story. We also get some really great looks at the former X-Men team when they went to fight the Dark Phoenix, which was a joy to see. Read Full Review
Phillips and Miracolo continue to weave this cosmic odyssey, with Jean as its Jason. The team continues to explore who Jean and the Phoenix are, without the urge to differentiate the two. Phoenix continues to go up against some of Marvels biggest cosmic guns, and its great to see Jean out of her comfort zone. Read Full Review
Theres a whole lot of head cannon that actually makes the longevity of everything still sort of actually connect-up in the Marvel Universe even sixty-plus years into the history of the multi-title mega-project that was started by Kirby, Lee and Goodman back in the early 1960s. Time does weird things in a world of dramatic physics, rampant magic and all of the drama that so often accompanies it. Jean Grey COULD be seventy-something years old and still be quite active with the Phoenix force. Its cool to ee some reference to the long-run of the life of a character like Jean. Read Full Review
For as epic as the setting is Phoenix #8 can't avoid feeling like a filler chapter to the current story arc of this series. Read Full Review