• We've gotten Rocket and Groot in trouble before, but this...HOO BOY.
• Seriously, what is this? What are we doing in this book? Someone should probably stop us.
Rated T
When you read this title you know it will never be a groundbreaking comic or have some story that will knock you off your feet, but that is not what this book is designed to do. It is a book that is intended to make you enjoy reading comics and take them at face value. So with all that in mind, I will have to rate this book a... Read Full Review
Even being recognized as heroes can't quite quench the need to one-up each other as their body count ends up tied when the dust is settled. Oh well, I'm sure there will be plenty of other madcap adventures for the pair to prove themselves both winners. Worth a look. Read Full Review
Skottie's last on the series goes out in a friendly struggle between Rocket and Groot. If you failed to keep up on this series, look out for the trade paperback. It's a fun wacky ride that did some great things for this Fur Baby and his Barky Friend. Read Full Review