Runaways #10

Writer: Brian K. Vaughan Artist: Adrian Alphona Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 7
6.0Critic Rating
9.1User Rating

Teenage Wasteland: Conclusion
The Runaways head into battle with their new recruit, and not everyone will make it out alive. That's not a threat, it's a promise!

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Jan 29, 2004

    The idea that our cast were essentially handed their heads in their first real fight, and that the only reason they are able to walk away from this fight is through a lucky accident doesn't exactly reflect all that well on the team, and the ending is delivered in such an abrupt fashion that I was a bit disappointed. However, I do like the idea that the book isn't shying away from the idea that these teens have just discovered their powers & gathered together to form this team, and as such their attacks are largely ineffective, and the idea of teamwork hasn't even registered yet. The book also does a nice job of making Topher into a cold, calculating villain who is able to easily manipulate the emotions of the young team, and the scene where Nico learns Topher's true age was a very amusing scene that nicely reflected the age difference. Still, I would've liked to see a victory that wasn't quite so reliant on dumb luck, and Topher ends up looking like a bit slow on the uptake, when he do Read Full Review

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