Teenage Wasteland: Chapter Three
How do you runaway from the Runaways? One troubled member of the team finds out, as she leaves the group's hideout with their dashing new recruit. But it may be out of the frying pan and into the fire, as this mysterious new Runaway finally reveals his startling secret.
The melodramatics of this issue felt a little too familiar as one can almost tell what the next scene is going to be, as the characters in this issue move about in this plot by numbers affair. Now Brian K. Vaughan has created a highly engaging cast so this issue is redeemed somewhat by the simple fact that I genuinely care what happens to these characters, so even though they are caught up in a rather predictable plot I am able to invest my attention in the material. The book also benefits from a truly unexpected surprise in the final pages as the dark secret of the group's newest member is revealed and I have to say I truly doubt anyone would've guessed this secret before the final page arrived. There's also some interesting little moments as we learn a little bit more about how the powers of certain characters function, with Nico's magic staff getting a nice limit of only a couple uses before it needs to be recharged inside her body. There's also a nicely done scene before the fight Read Full Review